A mystery/thriller written by John Muggleton and directed by Venetia Lawless
This production is currently on stage – literally. The set is in place and is a great working space that is well-lit and includes an interesting soundscape. The cast is still fully committed to the show and continue to run lines to be prepared to take the stage with just two weeks notice.  Burn had one preview performance before the theatre closed and was very well received by the audience who bought tickets to raise funds for local charity.

A courtroom drama/mystery by Agatha Christie, directed by Geoff Gruson
The production is stage ready as the cast had already been in rehearsals for for 2 months, prior to close-down. The large cast is fully committed to carrying on and continue working on lines and characters. The set is designed and ready to be built with many pieces already in-place in the wings.  It’s a can’t wait for our Agatha Audiences!


Four remaining shows


An edgy cold-war America drama by David Auburn, directed by Sarah Hearn
This show had been well cast with fully engaged actors and crew members and had begin rehearsals when the theatre closed down. The rehearsal hall is still set up with blocking and set pieces and the whole team is itching to get back to work on this piece.

A hilarious Canadian farce by Mark Crawford, directed by Stavros Sakiadis
The director and production team are in place and look forward to holding open auditions as soon as we are able to do so.