Ottawa Little Theatre presents

The Siegel
A Contemporary Comedy
Written by: Michael Mitnick
Directed by: Greg Hancock

Production Dates:
August 17-September 3, 2022 at 7:30 pm (Wednesday – Saturday) and matinees on August 21 & 28 at 2:30 pm (Sunday)
All actors must be available for all performances

Open Call Audition:
Saturday, April 30 at 1:30 pm
Please arrive at 15 minutes early in order to fill out your audition card – onstage readings will commence at 1:30pm sharp.
Call backs, if required, will be held at 7pm on May 3.

Break-ups, break downs, love, betrayal, hidden agendas and bagels. What more can you ask for in a slightly dark comedy that explores the idea of whether love lost can be found again. This is a fast-paced comedy that continually spins into unexpected directions, seemingly at random, only to find that every road leads back to the same place. We just don’t know where that place is.

Audition Location:
Ottawa Little Theatre
400 King Edward Avenue, Ottawa
(Please use 235 Besserer Street entrance.)

Please note:  All Ottawa Little Theatre staff and volunteers – including cast members – must be fully vaccinated (i.e. min. 2 doses) against COVID 19.

Cast of Characters:
Ethan: Late 20s – early 30s. Ethan is crazy like a fox, mercurial in nature, but not at all malicious. He has a plan, but no one can figure out what it is, possibly not even himself.

Alice: Late 20s – early 30s. Alice is smart, a budding political animal who has recently had her illusions shattered, professionally and personally. She is more like her mother (Deborah) than her father (Ron), and this may be why she prefers the company of her dad.

Nelson: late 20s – early 30s. Nelson likes to be seen as the cool guy, but he really, really is not.

Deborah: late 50s – early 60s. Deborah is a doctor who by temperament could be mistaken for a lawyer. She is sharp, incisive and has a deep-seated need to be right.

Ron: late 50s – early 60s. Ron is a lawyer who by temperament could be mistaken for a doctor. He is intelligent, down to earth, but not relaxed. Where Deborah is sharp, he would prefer to be smooth. He likes people, and likes to be liked, but has no illusions that he is.

Jordan: mid-20s to early 30s. Jordan is smart, an app developer with a slightly sarcastic sense of humour, deeply in touch with who she is. She possesses a surety of self that no one else in the production does.

Audition Sides (click to view the pdf):