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Gaslight ~ Open Auditions July 6, 2019

Gaslight (Angel Street) ~ Open Auditions: July 6 at 1:00


Ottawa Little Theatre

Gaslight (Angel Street) 
Written by: Patrick Hamilton
Directed by: Joan Sullivan-Eady

Production dates: Oct. 23 to Nov. 9, 2019
Wed. to Sat. nights at 7:30 p.m.
Sun. Matinees on Oct. 27 and Nov. 3 at 2:30 pm.
Note Preview: Preview performance for Ottawa Choral Society on Saturday, October 19th 2019 2 7.30 pm

Rehearsals: The structure of the play provides some allowance for vacation days.

All actors must be available for all performances.


DATE: Saturday, July 6 at 1:00 pm
Please arrive at 12:30pm in order to fill out your audition card and to receive and study your sides. The onstage readings will commence at 1pm sharp.

AUDITION LOCATION: Ottawa Little Theatre
400 King Edward Avenue, Ottawa
(Please use 235 Besserer Street entrance.)


Billed as a “Victorian Thriller” Patrick Hamilton’s Gaslight was written in 1938. But it is that rare thing: a recreation of an old form which works on its own terms. From the start Hamilton plunges us into a world of sadistic cruelty.

Gaslight tells the story of the Manninghams, who live on Angel Street in 19th century London. As the curtain rises, all appears to be the essence of Victorian tranquility. It is soon apparent that the suave Jack Manningham is slowly driving his devoted wife Bella to the brink of insanity   with an insinuating kindness that masks more sinister motives.  One evening when Jack is out, Mrs. Manningham has an unexpected visitor: Detective Inspector Rough. He explains that he is there to help her. As he reveals layers of the dark secrets and an unsolved murder of the past years in the house on Angel Street, it brings a different reality to the Manningham’s fraught relationship.

CAST OF CHARACTERS: Ages are stage ages.

Jack Manningham             A handsome, suave and very well-dressed man in his mid-forties. From his first words “What are you doing, Bella?” he introduces himself as an autocratic husband. His complete authority over and manipulation of his wife drives her down the road to insanity.

Bella Manningham:          Younger than her husband, Bella is in her mid-thirties. They have been married five years and in that time she has denigrated into a fragile, humiliated and frightened woman. Every night her husband goes out, leaving her alone in a house where sights and sounds fill her mind with fear and impending insanity.

 Elizabeth:                       In her mid to late fifties, Elizabeth is dignified and reserved, a kind and dutiful housekeeper in the Manningham home.   

Nancy:                                      Young and attractive, impudent, flirtatious and inclined to gossip.  Nancy is the serving girl in the Manningham home.

Inspector Rough:                  Retired Scotland Yard Detective Inspector –  middle aged. He brings with him a sense of tension and secrecy, the charisma of a Victorian gentleman. His method more that of therapist with unexpected witticisms as he reveals to Mrs. Manningham the dark secrets of this very house on Angel Street.

Two Police Officers:             Non speaking roles

A limited number of script copies will be available at the OLT Box Office and we ask that they are returned within 3 days. Please call ahead for availability

 (613-233-8948  followed by 1).


 Elizabeth –> Gaslight-Elizabeth sides
 Mr. & Mrs. Manningham –> Gaslight-Mr.&Mrs.Manningham
 Nancy –> Gaslight-Nancy sides
 Inspector Rough –> Gaslight-Rough sides

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Interested in volunteering behind the scenes on this production? Come to the audition and meet the creative team and find out how you can be involved.

April 10th, 2019|