See How They Run
Philip King

Season 66
Apr 12 to Apr 28, 1979

Click thumbnail image to view gallery of production photos by Ron Mackenzie
Jane BeraskowIda (a maid)
Nancy (Nan) ParkerMiss Skillon
Douglas CookeThe Reverend Lionel Toop
Gwen KnightPenelope Toop (his wife)
Joseph L. (Joe) ShaverCorporal Clive Wintonappearing by permission of Canadian Actors' Equity Association
Neil KellyThe Intruder
George StonykThe Bishop of Lax
Kevin ConlonThe Reverend Arthur Humphrey
Peter CochraneSergeant Towers

Production Team
Florence (Flo) FancottDirector
Pamela (Pam) FishAssistant to the Director
William (Bill) Adkins, C.M.Stage Manager
W.E. (Ted) FancottSet Design
Gordon BeckinghamLighting Design
Millie MallonCostume Design
Joyce WarneMakeup Design
Joyce WarneHair Design
Margaret SlimmanBook (Prompter)
Jim HoganSound Crew
David BarronSound Crew
Brenda GormanSound Crew
Danny MarkortSound Crew
Lloyd WilcoxSound Crew
Sandi MishProperties Crew
Elizabeth (Liz) Conlon (Oliver)Properties Crew
Tandy Muir-WardenProperties Crew
Carol RoyProperties Crew
Ruth-Anne JollyWardrobe Assistant
Ingrid FishWardrobe Assistant
Janice MarkortWardrobe Assistant
Arthur MillerMakeup Crew
Lorna MillerMakeup Crew
Louise GravesMakeup Crew
Renee SiracoMakeup Crew
Maggie BrownMakeup Crew
Ron MackenziePhotography