Dominion Drama Festival

Season 22
Apr 22 to Apr 27, 1935

21 plays from eight provinces competed in the third edition of the Dominion Drama Festival hosted at the Little Theatre by the Ottawa Drama League. They were chosen by Malcolm Morley who toured the country viewing 112 plays in regional festivals.

The Ottawa Drama League entries were "Rizzio's Boots" performed with two other plays on April 22 (for casting, see Feb. 15, 1935), and "Fantastic Flight" performed with two other plays on April 26 (for casting see Feb. 16, 1935).

The finals were adjudicated by Allan Wade from London, UK, who gave top honours to the School of Music and Elocution of the University of Ottawa for their production of "L'Innocente". It was the first time that the Bessborough Trophy had been awarded to a French language play. (The ODL was shut out of the awards.)

The audience included the Governor General Lord Bessborough (co-founder and patron of the Festival) and Lady Bessborough, and Sir George Perley, acting Prime Minister, and Lady Perley.


Production Team